Event Date:Dec 14th, 2019 8:00 amCategories:
1969-12-31 18:04:50
1969-12-31 18:04:50
Leech Lake Legacy
Information: http://www.leechlakelegacy.org/events/onigum-wellness-clinic/
Wellness Clinic at Onigum Comummunity Center. 8am-4pm. Appointment numbers handed out starting at 7:30am. Wellness services for LLBO members or reservation residents. Bring ID to demonstrate eligibility. Limit two pets per household. $15 per pet. No one turned away for inability to pay.
Limited pet food available for those who need it. Surrenders accepted after 10am.
Note there is a separate Surrender Event at the same time at our facility in Cass Lake. Food available there as well, and surrenders accepted there as well.

Serving reservation animals and the people who love them.
Together, we can do amazing things.
Together, we can save lives.
Together, we can make a difference.