Event Date:May 5th, 2024 to May 11th, 2024 at 7:00 amCategories:
1969-12-31 18:05:39
1969-12-31 18:05:39
Leech Lake Legacy
Information: https://www.leechlakelegacy.org/events/malmborg/
Just in time for spring planting season and Mother's Day is coming up, Malmborg's Greenhouse and Garden Centers has again partnered with Leech Lake Legacy for a Spring Fundraiser! 10% of your pre-tax purchases from May 5 - May 11 will be donated to Leech Lake Legacy! You must print and present this form at time of purchase to participate.
Good at Malborg's locations in
-Blaine, at 2456 - 125th Ave NE, and
-Rogers (20045 County Rd 81).
Thank you Malmborg's, and happy shopping!

Serving reservation animals and the people who love them.
Together, we can do amazing things.
Together, we can save lives.
Together, we can make a difference.